Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Proposition:

I motion that "Werewolves of London" by Warren Z. supplant "Thriller" as the official Halloween song. For 3 reasons"

  1. Better song. Really, way better song.
  2. Zevon is the epitome of cool.While Michael Jackson is the epitome of ...well that is for another blog post.
  3. No stupid dance that everyone kind of knows and drunkenly messes up. 
  4. The only thing that made Thriller tolerable was the video. No video for Werewolves, so Thriller wins that...I will admit that. 
In conclusion, WOL is a better song, Zevon is cooler than Jackson, and there is no lame dance associated with it. I rest my case. Here are the songs side by side...ask yourself, "Is anything I have said really wrong?"


Werewolves of London:

Who loves ya???

This will be a short post cause I got some Grapplin' to do. But, I was just looking at my stats for this blog. I recently crossed the thousand view threshold and found some interesting stats:
  • 839 of my views have come from the U.S.
    • Spain, Finland, & Vietnam count for around 20 a piece
      • What can I say, I have multi-national appeal
    • Everyone else has less than 10. 
    • Interestingly no one from Ireland or England has come onto the page (countries I have spent time in)
  • Browsers are evenly split between IE and Firefox at right around 40%
    • Some Mac users have come on the site using Safari (4%) - my apologizes
  • A majority of the people have come from Facebook or directly to the page. 
    • While a few have searched for me on Google.
      • Common search words, "Awesome blog", "Coolest blogger every", "misspelled words", "poor grasp of native language", and "For a good time call"...some of these may be a lie.
  • "Karl's bath house" has received the most views
  • While "Just Eat it" has received the most comments. 
 Well, that is it. Hope you all have a great weekend. I leave you with a picture of Karl. I imagine if he could talk he would be saying, "Who's your buddy?"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What to do?.?.? What to do.?.?.

I finally turned my dissertation in. They rarely tell you that after you work on the damn document for awhile and successfully defend it, you have to make several rounds of corrections before you turn it in forever  (this is how I feel about turning it in):

The real question is where do I got from here? I felt a bulletted (sp?) list would be the best way to describe my future direction:
  • Continue exploring Denver
    • Food
    • Mountains
    • Beer (really any booze)
  • Get back to Jiu Jitsu (my deal with myself was I would not start up again until my dissertation was turned in)
  • Begin publishing my dissertation (that is right, I am never rid of it)
  • Begin other writing
    • Policy briefs
    • Other Articles
    • My Novel (it's about a young boy and his playful childhood pup)
  • Apply for jobs (right now I have a healthy list that I am applying for, they all seem to be east of the might Mississippi.
Well that is my short list. As for blogging, I am planning on doing another segment of restaurants I have eaten at, as well as some other video stuff. Until then...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Halloween...Zevon style!

I know of no artist who has more music that is better suited for Halloween listening. Enjoy some of the "Z's" best work, on me.

Excitable Boy:

Werewolves of London:

Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner:

Happy Pre-Halloween!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Jobs, Conferences, and Driving

*Warning: This specific (not pacific) post is related to my personal life and is intended to update family and friends on what I have been doing. As a result, it is rather boring. So, if you are not interested I will not feel bad if you skip it. I am falling asleep writing it. 

The title says it all. Those are the three things on my mind as of late. The way the academic cycle is structured, jobs (for next fall) start to come out in late Sept. and continue to be posted through January (sometimes a job will even come open in Feb. or March). So, I am beginning to look at the prospects of new jobs for next year. I always knew I was at my job in Denver for 10 months and then would be looking for employment here or at another university. However, it seems so odd that I am already beginning the process when I have been in Denver for about a month. I also feel like I am cheating on my Denver job. I am not because my Denver job only has funding for 10 months....but still, I feel like I need to buy it flowers or something nice.

As of now there are about 13 openings around the nation that I would be interested in. All of the openings are assistant professor positions. That makes my chances of obtaining a job look pretty good since an assistant professor position is entry level (usually given to someone coming out of grad. school, or a postdoc, or someone in the first few years of their career), and my field is pretty small. There are 2 jobs in my home state of Iowa. No openings yet at the University my wife is employed by. However, it is still early and I am just thankful there are any jobs (last year there were about 5-8 jobs I could apply for all year). The other jobs are all east of the Mississippi. They range from Tennessee to Maine. All places I would be interested in living in.

On other fronts, this week I will be attending/presenting at the national conference for the Division of Early Childhood (DEC). DEC is the professional organization for Early Childhood Special Education around the nation. It really is a great conference every year. They do an outstanding job of making it diverse and interesting for all attendees. I remember going to big psych conferences as an undergrad and realizing how cut throat and scattered the field is. DEC's conferences are the complete opposite. ECSE is a pretty small group of people, so it is great to catchup with everyone in the field I haven't talked to in awhile. Another bonus, it is in K.C. this year (probably my favorite city in the U.S.). I have not been to K.C. since I started grad. school so I am extremely excited to go there. In addition, my former employer (Juniper Gardens) is mainly focused on ECSE so I get to see all my friends from there (very excited).

Finally, with all the talk of jobs and traveling, I would be remiss if I didn't mention I will be doing a whole lot of driving. I love driving as much as the next person. I grab myself a book on type and zone out. However, this week I will be putting down over 40 some hours of driving. Lucky for me I have someone to watch my pets while I am gone. I am hoping Yoda feels up to it. It also appears, if the academic thing doesn't work out, I have a bright future in "long haul trucking."

Stay classy,
