Monday, November 29, 2010

A quickie...

I have decided that some of my traffic ends up on this blog because of the titles of my posts. As a result, I am excited to see what turns up after this one ;-) Also, this should be a quick post.

ON to other news. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Elaine and I met up in Albuquerque for Thanksgiving with her mom and step-dad. Most importantly we got to see the Bodies Exhibition while we were there. Anyone who knows my wife can only imagine how excited she was to go there.
Elaine at exhibit
I think this photo adequately demonstrates her exuberance. I must say, it was pretty cool. If you ever get a chance to go there, it is not something to be missed. Below is a picture of us in post Bodies marital bliss.

Shortly after we returned from the "Pickled Bodies" (this is what Elaine's step-dad referred to them as), I got a cold and felt pretty horrible the rest of the vacation. However, I still had a great time and was glad we got to see Elaine's family.

Now I am back at work and have decided I need to adjust my work habits to be more productive. My first order of business has been to write a list of "to-do" items every night before I go to bed. This way when I am at a loss for what to do, I just consult the list. In addition, I feel like it will be easier to stay on task with the list. I have been neglecting to keep good track of what I need to get done (mostly relying on memory) since I defended my dissertation. I surmise this is because I was officially a doctor (not the kind that helps people mind you) and felt I could and should work however I wanted. Kind of like the first two weeks you moved out of your parents house and didn't clean or shower just to prove your point. I was being fairly productive, but I really need that organization. If nothing else for my sanity. However, I undershot on my list today and am done with all my tasks. The list will obviously need some calibrating. So, I decided in the name of productivity to blog about it to the 4 Americans, 1 Thai, and 3 Spaniards who read this blog.

How do you all stay on track at work? If you have any tips please let me know.

Have a good Monday.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What's in a name???

Someone asked me the other day where I got the name for my blog. As I was explaining it to them I realized I had never explained it on my blog. So, here it goes.

One of my favorite sayings in the world is, "If you give a monkey a typewriter and infinity, he will write the Bible (you can insert great book here as to not offend a religion)." I love this quote because it really makes several interesting statements. At it's heart it is a comment on probability. Basically saying that if you try at something long enough you are bound to matter how deficient you are. It is the basis of science, failure begets failure, until we learn enough failures that we are able to succeed, and I love science.

I also feel like this statement reminds us all that we shouldn't get too impressed with our abilities as a human race. We are not so far away from that monkey clunking away on the typewriter. Yes, we have invented many wonderful things. But, we have also participated in some horrible wars over odd things, excluded and hurt people simply because they are different, and created general mayhem on the environment. Despite the Parthenon, Shakespeare's sonnets, and our religious tomes we are just one small incident away from becoming monkey's chucking spears (or poop).  The image should keep us all humble.

So to the task at hand. I often feel when I am authoring a blog that I am trying to create something meaningful that will, at the least, entertain people. Associated with that feeling, I often feel like I am flailing miserably. However, I shall keep hacking away, hoping some day probability prevails and I write something meaningful. In the event I do write something worthwhile, I hope I am level headed enough to remember my second point. If not, the five of you who read this blog can feel free to remind me.

And what about keyboard being spelled key-bored? Aside from the fact I utilize the English language like a dog would handle a paintbrush, bored refers to the emotion that usually precedes my writing, boredom. Get it? It is my attempt at being clever and deep.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rocky Mountain High

This Saturday my postdoc bosses were nice enough to take myself and Amanda out to snow shoe/hike near Vail pass. It was great to have people who know the area take us out and show us around. Also, they had snow shoeing gear, so we didn't have to rent it. They brought their dogs along and they were very entertaining. It was a beautiful day (50ish degree Fahrenheit) and I think we were pretty fortunate we got the experience. Below are some pictures of the day. We had to push one of the cars out which was an adventure. Then we ate at the Alpine Valley Health foods store. I had the vegetarian sandwich and it was great. 
Getting ready to hike


View from trees after I went to bathroom

More picturesque hiking

P.S. taking in the scenes and a sandwich

Walking back to the car. B.S. and Sunny trudging away.

Driving home down the muddy slick road.

View out the window

More downhill driving

Mike and Abby pooped out after the adventure. 

An easily explained weight gain...

Another not so comprehensive list of places I have eaten in Denver:

I ate at FreshCraft for lunch and got the  Mole Bello Tacos, they are vegan and pretty good (specifically the Mole sauce). A couple cool things about FreshCraft.
  1. The owners are from Iowa
  2. They have suggestions for what types of beer to pair with your food (for each plate). 
  3. They have a fair amount of vegetarian options
All and all it was great.

They have a big sign on their window that says, "Best Mexican Food in LoDo (Lower Downtown)", there is also a line out the door at lunch almost every time I walk by. I decided to test it out. The restaurant is small, loud, and the tables are extremely close to each other. The food on the other hand was outstanding. I got the Huevos Rancheros (if you know much about me, the first thing I order when I try a new Mexican restaurant is the H.R.s). They came covered in a green chili sauce that was pretty hot and delicious. The eggs were perfectly cooked (over easy). The salsa that came with the chips was a green chili salsa and may have been the best I have eaten anywhere. Sari got a chimichanga and Amanda got a burrito. They seemed to enjoy them. The price's were also good. Finally, I never made it to the bottom of my diet coke before it was refilled. Great Place!

Rio Grand
This is the restaurant my friend Greg has been telling me to go to since I have been here. Mainly for the margaritas. So, I finally went. The margs (that is what cool people call them) were pretty good and strong. He has told me there is a limit of 3, I didn't make it that far. The Huevos Rancheros were good (not as good as D'Corazon), but cheaper. The restaurant was bigger, not as loud, and better decorated than D'Corazon. Interestingly enough, D'Corazon had a posted 3 marg limit, and is right across the street. I smell a turf war! 

Little India
We were craving some Indian food after we had a big presentation for our postdoc positions. On good advice, LI was suggested as, "some of the best Indian food in town." Now I will admit that I am from a small town in Iowa, so my knowledge of what constitutes good Indian food is lacking. However, Sari (a fellow postdoc of Indian descent) came along and gave her feedback. We went to the lunch buffet. The food was hot and rotated out quickly. I believe the cost was only 8$, so the price was right. There was a great variety of food, most of which I cannot name or spell, the my favorite was Spinach Paneer. The restaurant was clean and the staff was friendly. I ate so much I was sick, just the way I like my buffets. Sari said the food was on par with what you would expect from some of the better Indian restaurants in D.C. (so there is that). It was def. on par with The India Palace in Ames.

Other Points of Interest:

Edge MMA and Fitness
I was finally back to grappling for about 3 weeks at Edge MMA and Fitness (formally Grapplers' Edge), and was enjoying it. Everyone has been very friendly and helpful. It is a very different style of grappling than what I was used to in Iowa (no gi, less emphasis on sweeps, more emphasis on take downs and submission). However, I hurt my knee last Tuesday and am in the process of identifying what is going on. I am getting an MRI and that should inform me as to what my next steps will be (e.g., little more rest, therapy, surgery). The doctor said he would suspect a torn meniscus, strained/torn MCL, or a strained/torn ACL. The take home message is, Edge is a great place to train so far.

Until later...