Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One of my favorite videos:

As some of you know I taught a class on dating and relationships at one of the universities I worked for. It is a fun class to teach to college students because their ideas on what goes into making a relationship work are extremely varied. Some students believe that love happens, you meet 'the one", and you live happily ever after (with very little disagreements throughout your relationship with that partner). Others (and this stance is supported by research), hold the view that relationships are built and not so much the product of an internal burning love, but the sum of a lot of work, mutual respect, and a willingness to work through issues (students ranged the spectrum of beliefs between those two stances). I always like showing this video on one of the first day of class for two reasons 1). it addresses a lot of taboo topics (i.e., having a baby to get attention from friends and family) that made my freshmen students think I was a little off, 2). it always got students talking about what valid points the video made and what points were a little absurd (never an easy task to get students to talk). I always enjoyed hearing their opinions (no matter how much I agreed with them or did not agree with them). I will admit that the video really is absurd and I doubt there are many people out there that think exactly like the girl in the video does. However, I think some of the underlying themes ring a tone with 20-30 somethings. Elaine and I have often discussed that it seems like people graduate from college and decide that the next person they date they will marry (as if they only have until they are 23 to get married and then they will a life of celibacy until they die). So in-conclusion, I will make two points. 1) Yes, I love to hear myself talk! 2). Watch the video, enjoy it, and feel free to post what you agree with and don't (I am moving and no longer will be teaching that class so I have to have some sort of outlet).


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Karl's bath house

How to give your Mastiff a bath:
First, leash the beast!

Then wet...
Apply Shampoo
Work into lather....
Look extra dejected...
Get rinsed...
Retreat while being rinsed...
Continue futile retreat....
Begin drying phase....
Full drying phase...  
Spin cycle almost complete...
And the final buff!   
Relax knowing you look good.

Monday, August 9, 2010

No witty title, just relief...

Turning my dissertation into my committee members: