Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wishin' time would fly faster...

I generally try to make this blog as upbeat and fun as possible. I feel like there are plenty of people in the world that would love to tell you all about their problems and suck the joy out of you. However, I have to admit my last week was pretty rough. A good amount of stuff happened, but the crux of the situation is that I miss my wife, my dogs, my home, and all the comforts associated with it. I am not sure I have ever felt so home sick in my life. I spent most of my week attempting to work and really feeling like it was a horrible uphill trudge.

So, I have decided today that the pitty party must end. I am not in a place to pack up and leave, nor am I willing to. I do enjoy my job and feel I am gaining valuable experience, so I want to see it through. Also, I am extremely fortunate to have the position I do. It has already opened a large amount of doors for in my future career. So, I need to make a plan, set some goals, and hopefully the time will move quickly (fingers crossed).

I am not sure exactly when I get to move back, it will be sometime early to mid-June. So, I have decided that I am going to retool my life a bit and try to make the time fly by keeping myself busy. First off, I will know how long I have:



-My mother and sister are coming in early Feb. so I have that to look forward to.

-I have heard it will be getting hiking worthy soon, so I would like to hike once a week when the weather gets nice.

-Next, I am setting a goal to have 3 manuscripts submitted for publication by the time I leave. I already have 2 that are getting pretty close. I have an idea for another that I should be able to get ready fairly quickly.

-Next, I need to finish/write a policy brief.

-My postdoc colleagues and myself are working on a book, so that will take up some of my time and we are presenting at NTI, so we need to get that ready.

-I am planning to have some job interviews in the next month or two, so that will take a few days up a week (Gus and Alice will get a lot of "Amanda" time).

-And I am planning to go home to see Elaine in March for Spring break.

-Finally, I am currently looking for a part-time job (bar-tending or waiter nights and weekends). Anyone in Denver who reads this blog and has any leads please let me know.

When I see the amount of days and what all I can work on, it doesn't seem so daunting! I am hoping it continues to be this way. I will report back later.


  1. sorry you are having a rough week bill! It will get better & I think all those goals will really make time go. June will be here before you know it!!

  2. Hang in there, Bill!! I know exactly how you are feeling - I need to follow your example :) and btw, if you need some good martini/drink recipes to wow those Denver bar patrons - let me know!
