Monday, June 13, 2011

On the topic of ten year reunions...

So, I missed my ten year reunion this weekend. Ok, if I am being 100% honest (which I am not sure is the best policy like I was told as a small child), you could say I skipped it. One of the graduate courses I teach had weekend sessions (that later got significantly shortened), but I am sure I could have found a way to get to Newton in time.

I don't really know why I wasn't excited to go to my reunion. In general, I got along with almost everyone in my high school and really harbor no ill will towards anyone. My parents still live in my home town, so I would have had a place to say. I was just sort of ambivalent towards it.

In a way I am like that about a lot of things. I dread doing just about anything in social settings with people I haven't seen for awhile. I get anxious, I wonder if I am going to do/say something dumb, I am concerned about how people will perceive me, and generally stress myself out. I have no idea why. I would like to say I have some deep seeded memory where I was mocked in a large social group, or that I was publicly humiliated like Carrie. 

But, nothing like that has ever happened. Even more interestingly, I don't get nervous giving presentations to peers, teaching college students, or even on job interviews. I just really get nervous when I am faced with interacting with people I know and like, that I haven't talked to for awhile. I see someone I haven't talked to for awhile in the grocery store and I get nervous. It is weird, I know.

Past experience has told me that I usually have an absolutely great time when talking to people from my past, or interacting in groups. Who knows?

Is there a point to this? Not really. This seems to be a theme with my blogs lately. I am happy to hear that everyone had a great time. I guess maybe that will be motivation enough for me to buck up and go to my 15.

Friday, June 3, 2011

On the topic of birthdays

Yesterday was my birthday, I am 29 years of age. I don't really understand the deal with birthdays. People seem to think on their birthday everyone needs to be nice to them. In addition, they think it is a license to do whatever they want (like diplomatic immunity). Personally, I would much rather people are nice to me for 2 minutes a day all year, but that is just me. It is not that I dislike birthdays, it is just that I don't understand the big deal once you are past the age of 12. I think you should get to celebrate birthdays 1-12, 18, 21, 50, 100, and all birthday's after (I am sure I stole this idea from somebody, I am not saying it is my original idea). It would make them more meaningful. However, this is not a blog complaining about birthdays. In the spirit of remembering the past 29 years of my life, I decided I would put into words some of my most memorable birthday events.

Best Birthday Present
This is a tie. The car I got when I was 16 ranks up there (1986 Cutlass Supreme with a lift kit and rally rims).I just remember how amazing it was to me that I was free to drive wherever I wanted. I could come and go as I pleased, do whatever I wanted! My first trip, Maid-Rite with Melissa Moore (I was sure this care was going to open up a whole dating scene for me). Also, I did not have a provisional license (I made it under the cut off by 1 month), so I was unleashed on the fine community of Newton with no strings attached. I would like to say that car opened up a ton of doors socially for me (specifically with the ladies), but alas, I was still an awkward over weight teen (I have only marginally shook the awkward stuff), though much more mobile. However, that care treated me well for 2 years and I still smile when a see an Cutlass with a high school kid in it. I hope they enjoy their car as much as I enjoyed my first.

The other great present I got was our dog Murphy (I was 25 I believe). Murphy is a mutt from the shelter and is one of the more interesting dogs I have ever came across. He is high strung, needy, and has an ear-splitting beagle bay. I love that dog. Even though he can get annoying, we can all agree it is great to be needed.  Also, I swear his coat is made of velvet (he is a pleasure to pet).

Worst Birthday Present
One year my great grandma gave me a Barney bank, I was 13, enough said.

Best Birthday Party
I wish I could say it was my 21st or 18th birthday, but I have had a history of lackluster "parties" on my adult birthdays (more on that in "worst" birthday parties). But, the best party I can remember was my 10th birthday party. I got to invite like 15 friends. I remember I got a ton of great presents,which really is 90% of what a good birthday is when you are young. We played pin the nunchuck on Michelangelo (the ninja turtle), my dad actually drew and cut out Michelangelo and the nunchucks. Then my parents orchestrated a water gun fight in the basement. My family did not have a lot of money growing up, so I think this was their way of giving me a great birthday party on a shoe string (it was amazing).  Somewhere there is VHS of that party, I think it would be fun to watch. 

Worst Birthday Party
 This one is super easy. My 21st birthday I was working in Larchwood Iowa, running a summer day camp. Somehow (I am still not sure how this got worked) I ended up living with a 65 year old bachelor farmer. This gentleman didn't drink, or talk, or really even like me, but he lived in what I consider a haunted house (a tale for another time). As you can assume from the story, I knew no one in town and "Jeb" was not up for a raucous 21st birthday. So I did what any newly minted 21 year old, self-respecting college student would do, I ended up buying a 12 pack of Schlitz (the only thing they had at the gas station in Larchwood, Iowa) and drinking it in my room in his haunted house. It may be the sadist 21st of all time. On the upside, this did begin my love-affair with Schlitz and drinking by myself.  

 I really wish I had some grand thought to pull this blog together. I don't. I guess, maybe I should just say thank you for all the kind messages my friends have sent me over the last few days. Thank you, it means a lot. Maybe in a year (when I am the big 3-0) I will be a year wiser and a able to write a big life lesson about birthdays. Or, maybe next year I will get a make up for the 21st birthday I never got. Who knows? I got a whole year ahead of me to anticipate.
