Thursday, May 6, 2010

Confessions and fun with pets!

I have a confession to has actually been Gus-Gus writing my dissertation for me!

Actually, I just took these pictures this morning and thought it was funny that Gus appears to be working on the computer. The major advantage to him taking my seat is that the seat is warm.

In other news, I am working diligently on my dissertation. I have added references to my literature review and am beginning to setup my data set for analysis. Elaine's mother is coming into town for my graduation party on Sunday. My mother is picking her up from the airport tonight. Luckily, our moms get along very well and can entertain each other until our semester duties are over on Saturday. 

Finally, I leave you with a fun game. Can you spot all the pets in this picture? 
Happy Hunting!

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