Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am back in Iowa, it is spring, this is what is on my mind....

As Spring approaches I would like to make my yearly plea/public service announcement to weather forecasters in Iowa.

Here it goes:

Dear Iowa weather forecasters;
I have lived in Iowa for most of my life. I understand the dangers of tornadoes. You only need to break into your fine programing (The Bachelor, The Middle, Parenthood, etc.) once to warn me there may be a tornado in the area (no need to tell me that a tornado is "possible", I can discern that myself). In addition, you are allowed to inform me one more time if (and only if) the tornado is within 15 feet of my house (these messages should be kept to less than 10 seconds). If you do not choose to offer the second warning, I will not hold you accountable. Finally, there is really no need to break into your prime-time broadcasting to let me know that it is: raining, thundering, misting, windy, or the sunset is a slight shade of green.

Bill Henninger

1 comment:

  1. Now that is good advice for Public service announcements ! I really think most people get the warning the first time. Love, Mom
