Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Trapped like a rat...or puggle...

As a graduation present my parents got Elaine and I new windows for our house. Which is good because we have those really old windows that the former owners painted over 17 times. They are impossible open, etc. So, last night Elaine and I had to move stuff away from our windows and take down the dressing (apparently, that is the word for blinds). Now, I am sitting in our upstairs bedroom with my 3 dogs just kind of hanging out. To the window guys credits they are absolutely flying through the replacement. We had 15 windows and they have 10 of them done and it is noon. However, every time they talk, pound, or breath Murphy feels the need to whine really loud and bark. The other dogs are doing fine, but Murphy the spaz is making up for that.

I am trying to work on my dissertation but it is a little distracting. In addition, I am having a hell of a time getting my model to run in AMOS. As a result, I am thinking about switching to Mplus. Mack Shelley (the stats guy on my committee and resident genius) described the Mplus vs AMOS relationship as, "AMOS is ok, Mplus is bigger, meaner, nastier, and generally cooler." Unfortunately, nasty, mean, and cool are not free, so I am weighing the pluses and minus of purchasing Mplus at a tidy $195. I am sure I will use it more, but man that is a lot of money.

That is pretty much my life right now. I will attempt to work on my dissertation again.


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