Monday, November 29, 2010

A quickie...

I have decided that some of my traffic ends up on this blog because of the titles of my posts. As a result, I am excited to see what turns up after this one ;-) Also, this should be a quick post.

ON to other news. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Elaine and I met up in Albuquerque for Thanksgiving with her mom and step-dad. Most importantly we got to see the Bodies Exhibition while we were there. Anyone who knows my wife can only imagine how excited she was to go there.
Elaine at exhibit
I think this photo adequately demonstrates her exuberance. I must say, it was pretty cool. If you ever get a chance to go there, it is not something to be missed. Below is a picture of us in post Bodies marital bliss.

Shortly after we returned from the "Pickled Bodies" (this is what Elaine's step-dad referred to them as), I got a cold and felt pretty horrible the rest of the vacation. However, I still had a great time and was glad we got to see Elaine's family.

Now I am back at work and have decided I need to adjust my work habits to be more productive. My first order of business has been to write a list of "to-do" items every night before I go to bed. This way when I am at a loss for what to do, I just consult the list. In addition, I feel like it will be easier to stay on task with the list. I have been neglecting to keep good track of what I need to get done (mostly relying on memory) since I defended my dissertation. I surmise this is because I was officially a doctor (not the kind that helps people mind you) and felt I could and should work however I wanted. Kind of like the first two weeks you moved out of your parents house and didn't clean or shower just to prove your point. I was being fairly productive, but I really need that organization. If nothing else for my sanity. However, I undershot on my list today and am done with all my tasks. The list will obviously need some calibrating. So, I decided in the name of productivity to blog about it to the 4 Americans, 1 Thai, and 3 Spaniards who read this blog.

How do you all stay on track at work? If you have any tips please let me know.

Have a good Monday.


  1. You definitly need a list.... I suggest you start with what is the most importatnant task as one and then so on and so on. don't get discourage if you don't don't get your list done for the day.. when you write your list for the next day put the thigs you didn't get done the day before ast the top of the list. I find it very satisfing to see my list with things crossed off. now I am off to go write my list. mom

  2. P.S. I haven't been up long and don't have my glasses on... and I see I have hacked-up my message... Top of my list PUT You Glasses On!!! Mom
