Friday, November 19, 2010

What's in a name???

Someone asked me the other day where I got the name for my blog. As I was explaining it to them I realized I had never explained it on my blog. So, here it goes.

One of my favorite sayings in the world is, "If you give a monkey a typewriter and infinity, he will write the Bible (you can insert great book here as to not offend a religion)." I love this quote because it really makes several interesting statements. At it's heart it is a comment on probability. Basically saying that if you try at something long enough you are bound to matter how deficient you are. It is the basis of science, failure begets failure, until we learn enough failures that we are able to succeed, and I love science.

I also feel like this statement reminds us all that we shouldn't get too impressed with our abilities as a human race. We are not so far away from that monkey clunking away on the typewriter. Yes, we have invented many wonderful things. But, we have also participated in some horrible wars over odd things, excluded and hurt people simply because they are different, and created general mayhem on the environment. Despite the Parthenon, Shakespeare's sonnets, and our religious tomes we are just one small incident away from becoming monkey's chucking spears (or poop).  The image should keep us all humble.

So to the task at hand. I often feel when I am authoring a blog that I am trying to create something meaningful that will, at the least, entertain people. Associated with that feeling, I often feel like I am flailing miserably. However, I shall keep hacking away, hoping some day probability prevails and I write something meaningful. In the event I do write something worthwhile, I hope I am level headed enough to remember my second point. If not, the five of you who read this blog can feel free to remind me.

And what about keyboard being spelled key-bored? Aside from the fact I utilize the English language like a dog would handle a paintbrush, bored refers to the emotion that usually precedes my writing, boredom. Get it? It is my attempt at being clever and deep.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.


  1. I guess I never even wondered why you titled your blog that way...but, now I know. Very intresting ! Good thoughts ! So.. Riddle me this Batman...How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll, tootsie pop? Is it true when they say the world may never know ? Well... that was my sad attempt to be funny.. Love, Mom

  2. Instead of the monkey arriving at the culmination of the Good Book after infinity with a keyboard.....I would put Popular Mechanics - "The modern Glider" issue as his potential publishing!
    I like it :)

  3. Good call, Annoymous.
