Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Rolling Stones gather no moss.... (alternate title: Not so Tangled-Up in Blue)

It would be a lie to say I am back to feeling like my normal self. I am much better than I was a week ago. But, I am still trying to get my "groove" back. I have been making pretty good progress on all of the items I put forth in my blog a week ago. I have turned in my second article to my co-author and am waiting on her to give me feedback. I also have some prospects on the part-time job front (one as a coordinator for bar trivia, the other raising money for non-profits). I am also making great progress on major project stuff related to my post-doc. So, I am keeping active, which I think is pretty important.

However this blog is less about that and more about something else I have been doing to get out of my funk. And that is, Groove Shark. What is Groove Shark you might ask? Well, it is an online music streaming site (think Pandora). But unlike Pandora, you can pick your songs at Groove Shark without having to purchase the upgraded version. My friend Stimpy's comment, "Mind = Blown."

You may be saying to yourself, "certainly their song selection is limited if they are just giving it away for free." I have yet to stump the Shark. It is impressive to say the least.

So how does this all tie in? Well, music makes me happy and it gets me going when I don't feel like...going. On the days where I have felt the most down, I have always been able to improve my mood a little bit by turning on some music. It doesn't fix my home sickness, but it certainly has helped more than I would suspect.  I hope it does the same for you.

P.S. If you are looking for suggestions
  1. Seems to wanna hurt by Donna the Buffalo
  2. Angry Words by Willy Porter
  3. Give me Shelter by the Rolling Stones
  4. Anything by Bob Dylan
  5. Same for Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin 
  6. The Shins
  7. Muse
  8. Greatest Man that Ever Lived by Weezer
  9. Also My name is Jonas
  10. Possum Kingdom by the Toadies
  11. Highway Chile, Castles made of Sand, Cross Town Traffic, etc. by Jimi Hendrix
  12. Pig by Dave Matthews
  13. Animal by the Neon Trees
  14. 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins (Really anything by them)
  15. Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus
  16. Jalopy Style by Citizen King
  17. White Stripes
  18. Sublime (self titled album and Forty Ounces to Freedom)
  19. Mason Jennings
What did I miss?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Learning to love coffee again...

So I recently realized a few things about myself:
  1. I spend a lot of money on caffeine related drinks (e.g., pop, crystal light energy)
  2. I am fairly incapable of functioning with out caffeine.
Why does this matter? Well I decided on my way back from Iowa that I should quick drinking caffeine to save money and be more healthy. It did not work out well at all. I crashed like the Hindenburg. I had been drinking a crystal light energy everyone morning and like 4 -12 ounce cans a day. It was an ill-conceived plan.

After my horrible failed experience I decided I would tweak my approach. I decided to compromise. I am attempting to drink less caffeine, however I am allowing myself coffee (as long as I make it or get it from my apartment building). I have always loved coffee. Since I went to Ireland I had been a daily coffee drinker, until I discovered crystal light energy. Almost all the way through college (undergrad) I only drank coffee as my soul source of caffeine. I don't know when I transitioned from coffee to crystal light and pop.  Even in grad school I was the en-actor of  our departmental coffee hour. Usually "coffee hour" was me sitting by myself drinking coffee in the lounge while a majority of my friends made excuse for not coming (except Jay Peck, Nancy Peck, and Molly Luchtel).

The good news about my new coffee rule is that my apartment allows me all the free coffee I can drink! It is pretty good coffee too! So, that is the big news in my life. Like I posted last time, I had been feeling really down last week. I think when you are down it is the little things you have to focus on that make you happy. So, for now I am enjoying my coffee.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wishin' time would fly faster...

I generally try to make this blog as upbeat and fun as possible. I feel like there are plenty of people in the world that would love to tell you all about their problems and suck the joy out of you. However, I have to admit my last week was pretty rough. A good amount of stuff happened, but the crux of the situation is that I miss my wife, my dogs, my home, and all the comforts associated with it. I am not sure I have ever felt so home sick in my life. I spent most of my week attempting to work and really feeling like it was a horrible uphill trudge.

So, I have decided today that the pitty party must end. I am not in a place to pack up and leave, nor am I willing to. I do enjoy my job and feel I am gaining valuable experience, so I want to see it through. Also, I am extremely fortunate to have the position I do. It has already opened a large amount of doors for in my future career. So, I need to make a plan, set some goals, and hopefully the time will move quickly (fingers crossed).

I am not sure exactly when I get to move back, it will be sometime early to mid-June. So, I have decided that I am going to retool my life a bit and try to make the time fly by keeping myself busy. First off, I will know how long I have:



-My mother and sister are coming in early Feb. so I have that to look forward to.

-I have heard it will be getting hiking worthy soon, so I would like to hike once a week when the weather gets nice.

-Next, I am setting a goal to have 3 manuscripts submitted for publication by the time I leave. I already have 2 that are getting pretty close. I have an idea for another that I should be able to get ready fairly quickly.

-Next, I need to finish/write a policy brief.

-My postdoc colleagues and myself are working on a book, so that will take up some of my time and we are presenting at NTI, so we need to get that ready.

-I am planning to have some job interviews in the next month or two, so that will take a few days up a week (Gus and Alice will get a lot of "Amanda" time).

-And I am planning to go home to see Elaine in March for Spring break.

-Finally, I am currently looking for a part-time job (bar-tending or waiter nights and weekends). Anyone in Denver who reads this blog and has any leads please let me know.

When I see the amount of days and what all I can work on, it doesn't seem so daunting! I am hoping it continues to be this way. I will report back later.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Transition offense...

I do not have anything earth shattering to write about, just a funny story to share and my thoughts on it. Last night my wife and I were watching the Bachelor (insert manliness joke hear, I can take it) and the following comment ensued:
Me: That girls has got some pipes (muscular arms).
Elaine: Mine are going to look like that pretty soon, I am working my arms.
Me: Really, you just lifting your arms or doing some other stuff too?
Elaine: Just lifting, should I be doing other things?
Me: I don't know hunny (pause), have you seen my arms? I am not sure I am in a place to give advice.
Elaine: (laughs)(nods head in agreement).

I tell this story for a few reasons.
1). I thought it was pretty funny.
2). One of the topics I taught in my university classes was that relationships (especially marriages) are not stagnant. They develop and change much like a growing person does. Later I asked myself if Elaine would have laughed and I would have been able to not take offense to her laugh 3 years ago (when Elaine and I just got married) or 6 years ago (when Elaine and I just started dating) . I am not so sure it would have went down the same way. I am suspicious she would have said something like, "No hunny your arms are great." Also, if she hadn't given me some positive feedback, I may have been annoyed about it.

I think this story is a good depiction of how relationships change. I believe (and am backed up by some research) that as you progress through a relationship some of the passion begins to transition into a sense of comfort and contentment with the relationship you have with a significant other. As a result, you understand that even if your partner is not consistently giving you kudos on your physical appearance, you are being complimented in other ways, like knowing what your favorite drink order is a Starbucks or doing their best to be interested in something you are interested in (for women this usually revolves around feigning interest in obscure sports).

This was always a tough topic to explain to 18-22 year old students, because it is something that is hard to experience, but easy to recognize when it happens. It also is a bit scary to think the passion that we all feel when we start dating someone we are into, will eventually be replaced (some more than other) by other feelings. However, I think there is something to be said for this shift in emotions. It is great, comforting, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I hope everyone experiences it someday so they know what I am talking about.

Ok, that is enough of my sappy ramblings. I hope everyone is having a great New Year. I leave you with one of my favorite songs about needing love.